from: Learner: Indians
(in 2023 not online any more)
6. North East tribes

Natives in the "USA": Abenaki palisaded village [3] - map of
the "USA" with natives in the East [2]
The Abenaki, native to Maine and New Hampshire, made their
villages along rivers and streams. Each village had a meeting
hall, a sweat lodge, and was surrounded by palisades — tall
log walls that guarded the village against attacks [bears?].
The Abenaki lived primarily in wigwams, lodges made of birch,
and although they were agricultural, growing corn, beans, and
squash for food, they also hunted and fished.
Known for their quill and beadwork and making black ash
baskets, the Abenaki often traded with other local tribes,
using birchbark canoes, sleds, and snowshoes to travel from
one place to another. The Abenaki were nearly wiped out by a
series of epidemics after encountering Europeans in the 1500s.
[Criminal "Christians" give blankets with smallpox for free].
They allied with the French, and other local tribes in 1600s
to fight the English, but after a series of defeats by the
British, they withdrew to Canada.
Map of natives of the "USA": Massachuset [6] - map of the
"USA" with natives in the East [2]
The Massachuset lived in the Massachusetts Bay area of
Massachusetts and survived by farming, hunting, and fishing.
They spent summers living in longhouse villages along the
coast, harvesting fish and shellfish. In the winter, they
retreated to small inland villages where they could hunt.
Agriculture was also important; the tribe grew crops such as
corn, beans, squash, and tobacco.
[The golden three: they planted corn, beans climb on it, and
pumpkin on the ground keeps the soil cool with it's shade].
Some of the first to encounter European explorers, the
Massachuset were virtually wiped out by European diseases
[because criminal "Christians" gave blankets with smallpox
etc.]. When the [Jesus fantasy] Puritans arrived in 1629, they
found roughly 500 members, and [then they distributed
smallpox]. by 1633, a smallpox epidemic had killed nearly all
of the remaining Massachuset.
["Christian" mass murder of indigenous people in "America" has
a lot to do with smallpox against indigenous people, in North
"America" AND also against the Incas in South "America" -
Jesuit laboratories - "giving" toxic blankets with smallpox].

Natives of the "USA": Iroquois Longhouse [4] - map of the
"USA" with natives in the East [2]
The Iroquois were a group of five allied tribes known as the
Iroquois Confederacy who lived in New York along the St.
Lawrence River. They were farmers, growing corn, beans, and
squash [the golden three], but also hunted and trapped native
animals. Iroquois villages, which were permanent and moved
every 20 years or so when the soil had been exhausted,
consisted of longhouses that could hold 30-60 people. These
settlements were usually built near streams and surrounded
with palisades and watchtowers for protection.
When Europeans entered their territory, the Iroquois traded
furs with them. Around 1650, epidemics of new diseases greatly
reduced the Iroquois population. [The toxic blankets being
"given" by the criminal "Christians" with smallpox had their
"effect". The mass murder attempt was successful]. By the time
[in 1776] the Revolutionary War began, however, the Iroquois
had regained their numbers through the absorption of other
tribes and their own military conquests. All but two of the
Confederacy's tribes sided with the British during the war,
which proved costly. The colonists defeated the Iroquois still
loyal to the British in 1779. In the early 1800s, the Iroquois
began selling their land, and by 1838, they were forced onto
[These "reserves" were mostly located on barren land. The
natives were supposed to starve there - this was the intention
of criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians". It was active mass
murder by the criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" and no one
stopped the criminal "Christian" military commanders].

Map of natives of the "USA": Pequot natives in
Connecticut [8] - map of the "USA" with natives in the
East [2]
The Pequot, native to Connecticut, survived through hunting,
fishing, and farming. To guard against attack, they lived in
heavily fortified villages consisting of longhouses or
wigwams. They were highly organized, governed by tribal
councils and a chief.
Dutch traders formed a relationship with the Pequot in 1614.
The Pequot traded beaver skins for European goods. Other
tribes in the area also wanted to trade with the Dutch, but
the Pequot began attacking their neighbors to establish a
trading monopoly.
In the 1620s, the English began moving into Pequot territory
and trading with them. This caused a rift in the tribe, with
half uniting with English traders and the other half allying
with the Dutch. A smallpox epidemic in 1633 ravaged those
members allied with the Dutch [criminal "Christians"
distributed smallpox with toxic blankets as a "gift"], and the
death of an English trader at the hands of a Pequot led to the
Pequot War in 1637. Hundreds of Pequot were killed and those
who were captured were divided into different tribes or sold
into slavery. In the 19th century, the remaining Pequot were
confined to a reservation.
["Reservations" are open-air concentration camps without
houses on barren soil - suitable for dying - the mass murder
of the criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" against the "US"
natives is still not punished today].
[The distribution of smallpox with contaminated blankets:
only the Pequot allied with Holland affected
Here you can clearly see that smallpox was spread only among
those Pequot who were allied with the Dutch. So the deliberate
spreading of smallpox as a weapon of war with contaminated
blankets is clearly proven].

Map of natives of the "USA": Lenape in Pennsylvania [5] -
map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]
The primarily agricultural Lenape (also known as the Delaware)
lived in Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Their villages consisted of wigwams and longhouses, with a
sweat house at the center.
The Lenape were known as peacemakers, and were often called on
to settle disputes between rival tribes. When forced to fight,
they were fierce warriors, sporting mohawks and red body paint
in battle. Preferring peace, they welcomed some of the first
European traders in the early 1600s and enjoyed bartering
pelts for European goods that helped to make farming easier
and their dress more fashionable.
By the mid 1600s [in 1605 appr.], the Lenape were plagued by
epidemics of disease brought by the Europeans. ["Giving" toxic
blankets with smallpox was a "Christian" standard in gay
criminal Vatican politics]. During the Revolutionary War, the
Lenape supplied the colonists with scouts and warriors when
they were promised a leadership role in a future Native
American state. The tribe signed their first treaty with the
U.S. government in 1778, giving up their land and moving
further west. Settlers pushed the Lenape westward over the
next 100 years, until the tribe was forced to resettle in
Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma).
[The criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" NEVER keep their
promises to the natives. The goal was ALWAYS the WHOLE
occupation of the continent up to the West Coast, and natives
did not even have the rights which pets or cuttle had with the
criminal "Christians"].

Map of natives of the "USA": Powhatan natives in Virginia
and North Carolina [9] - map of the "USA" with natives in
the East [2]
A confederacy of nearly 30 tribes, the Powhatan lived in areas
of Virginia and Maryland. Their villages were established
along rivers for easy access to food and transportation and
only moved when the soil became exhausted and could no longer
support crops such as corn and tobacco.
The establishment of the [white racist "Christian"] Jamestown
colony in 1607 and its expansion in the years that followed
led to warfare between the British settlers and the Powhatans.
The situation worsened until Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan's
daughter, was abducted in 1613 and held at Jamestown. Her
marriage to Englishman John Rolfe in 1614 brought about peace
for a few years. But with the death of both Pocahontas and
Powhatan, the confederacy's new leader, Opechancanoug,
launched an attack on British settlements in 1622. The British
retaliation was violent and the two sides continued to battle
periodically for more than a decade. When the Powhatan finally
signed a peace treaty in 1646, they were forced onto a small
reservation after giving up their land.
[Reservation=open air concentration camp. The criminal racist
"Christians" were, despite mixed marriages, UNABLE to learn
from the natives the wisdom of Mother Earth, which the Church
had systematically eradicated in Europe from 1100 to 1600 (link
(German)). As natural medicine was considered
"dirty" or whichcraft, criminal "Christians" killed all
natives with this criminal Vatican mentality and they were
even proud for having committed this mass murder. Where is the
Map of natives of the "USA": Miami natives in Indiana+Ohio
[7] - map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]
One of the most powerful tribes of its day, the Miami lived in
areas of Indiana and Ohio. The tribe resided in oval, reed
houses in permanent villages, where their life centered around
farming and hunting local animals, particularly buffalo. The
Miami traded with many other tribes in the Great Lakes region,
and used dugout canoes and sleds pulled by dogs, called travois
[French: travua], to carry trade goods and travel from one
area to another.
During the 1740s, the Miami allied with the French to push
British traders out of their region. When the French lost to
the British in the French and Indian Wars, the Miami moved to
Indiana in the hopes of avoiding further conflict with the
British. When [in 1776] the Revolutionary War broke out, the
Miami allied with the British and continued to fight against
the colonists following the British defeat. In 1794 the Miami
were defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers and surrendered
most of their land to the U.S. By the 1820s, they had ceded
all of their remaining territory and first moved to Kansas and
then to Oklahoma in the 1860s.
[The criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" had not intended to
learn from the natives. The "Declaration of Independence" of
the "USA" of 1776 was only for the whites, and only the
homeowners had the right to vote. The blacks were the slaves,
and the natives were even less than pets: they were considered
as dirt, the land was "cleaned" and the "free land" was
distributed to new white-supremacist "Christians". Some
criminal "Christians" became millionaires and billionaires
thanks to speculation. Nature and indigenous people do not
appear on the stock exchange. Where is the compensation for
this stock market racism and genocide?]
Map of natives of the "USA": Chawnee natives in Indiana,
Ohio and Kentucky [10] - map of the "USA" with natives in
the East [2]
Living in Ohio and Indiana, primarily in the Scioto River
Valley, the Shawnee lived in round wigwams made of
tree saplings, thick grasses, and other natural materials.
Village life centered around hunting and farming corn and
squash. The women were responsible for all domestic labor and
were very skilled potters. The men focused on hunting and
protecting their families as warriors.
[The French were the first European invaders there coming from
the north]. When the French moved into Shawnee territory, the
tribe allied with them. Conflict arose between the tribe and
British traders who began arriving in the 1740s [coming from
"New England" from the east]. The Shawnee sided with the
French during the French and Indian Wars, and continued to
fight the British as they tried to colonize the area following
the wars in the mid-1760s. Thinking the British could protect
their land from further encroachment by colonists, the Shawnee
allied with them during the Revolutionary War. The tribe
continued to fight the colonists until their defeat at the
Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. At that time, they were sent
to Indiana and were eventually removed to reservations in
Oklahoma and Kansas.
[The criminal "Christians" from England were NEVER able to
share something - and the Royals amassed trillions during
colonialism. Where is the compensation? An aboriginal proverb
says: The white man comes - destroys - and then leaves. The
criminal white "Christians" even destroy the "reserves" with
mining without returning the original territories. Perhaps
it's time to forbid this criminal "Christianity" (we have the
year 2023 - and the stupid fantasy Jesus did not come for 2023
years already!)].
Photo sources
from: Learner: Indians
(in 2023 not online any more)