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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Muhammad - Muhammad never existed

1. The Traditional Quran: The Flawless Copy from Heaven [from fantasy Angel Gabriel]

                              is pure fantasy
Quran is pure fantasy [1] - Talmud too, and Bibel too!

1. The traditional Muhammad Fantasy Quran: The flawless copy from a Fantasy heaven -- 1.1. The official version of the Muhammad Fantasy Quran's genesis - a fairy tale with bones, leather and leaves -- 1.2. Contradictions without end in the Muhammad Fantasy Quran -- 1.3. The mixture of Muhammad Fantasy suras against any chronology and grammar -- 1.4. Source study is not wanted: Quranic Arabic for the scholars - and the preacher's orders

presented by Michael Palomino (2015 / translation 2017 / 2024) - p.15-25

-- "muhamad" / Muhammad = "the praised one" / "who has to be praised" - referring to a Fake Fantasy Jesus (!) [chapter 5a - p.87]

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1. The traditional Quran: The flawless copy from heaven [from fantasy angel Gabriel]

"Quranic speech is clearly superhuman, we find everywhere a current plan that no person could have invented." [text01]

Abdallah Draz, Quran teacher, Cairo

1.1. The official version of the Quran's genesis - a fairy tale with bones, leather and leaves

[Islam Dogma: The suras came from the "angel" Gabriel - an extraterrestrial]
For the believing Muslim, the Quran is the holy book in which God was prophet Muhammad [2]
[2] "Muhammad" comes closest to the Arabic spelling. The "h" is spoken as an implied "x," the first "a" as implied "a."
telling people his revelations. According to tradition, the Prophet retreated to a cave on Mount Hira near Mecca, where he received the so-called Meccan suras. He received later suras in Medina. They all came directly from God and were transmitted in oral form to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Later, Muhammad passed the messages to companions who memorized or wrote them down.

Angels are the traditional representation of extraterrestrials. The wings are the symbol of beings that can fly and came from the sky].

[Islam dogma: The "Cairo version of 1924" is the copy from paradise]

The central dogma to this day is:
"The Quran is not made on Earth, but Muhammad received the text of God by the Archangel Gabriel and transmitted it to the world without any change 1:1. Each word is correct, authentic and immovable, holy and eternally valid. There is nothing in the world, past, present or future which is not in the Quran. The Quran version of the Caliph Othman is the only authentic Quran as it was communicated to the Prophet Muhammad. The Cairo version of 1924 fully corresponds to Othman's Quran and is thus the identical copy of the original which is stored in Paradise." [text02]
This is the claim that still applies today and in which the Quran must be measured. This claim should always be remembered in further reading [p.15].

[The Quran with 114 suras - animal bones, pieces of leather, leaves - and Muhammad is said to have been illiterate]
The Quran consists of 114 suras made up of a number of verses, 4 to 286 per sura. These suras were traditionally transmitted by Muhammad to his friends over a period of 23 years. This happened verbally. Various people around him tried to memorize the verses, some of them were written down on animal bones, pieces of leather, leaves, whatever was available. There was no systematic collection of the individual sayings about Muhammad's lifetime. Muhammad never saw his book, he could not read nor write according to Islamic accounts.

[A leader like Muhammad can neither read nor write - this is a clear indication that Muhammad is a lie].

In dealing with such materials losses could not be evaded. The Prophet himself sometimes withdrew suras or changed them, verses disappeared. Thus, the writer Ubay testifies that the sura 33 (al-Ahzab) had 200 verses, but in the end there were only 73 of them. Aisha, the favorite wife of the Prophet, reported that she had kept a few verses under the bed, but they were eaten by a goat.

[Legend: Ibn Thabit assembling suras - 7 different versions - the Quran of Caliph Othman - the Shiites do not accept Othman]
Shortly after the death of Muhammad his literate companion Ibn Thabit began compiling the existing documents, but there were soon seven different versions. On the orders of the third caliph Othman (reigned 644-656), Ibn Thabit, together with selected helpers from the Kuraish tribe, again created an error-corrected version that was sent to the four capitals of the Islamic Empire, Medina, Damascus, Kufa and Basra. This is the "Othmanian Koran", the only valid version according to Islamic tradition.

However, it was not recognized by everyone. The Shiites, for example, complain that Othman has suppressed and falsified suras in order to exterminate the legitimate caliph Ali, whom the Shiites refer to.

[The dictation of the Cairo Quran edition of 1924]
Today, the mainstream Islamic movement, by no means the whole of Muslims, refers to the so-called Cairo Quran edition of 1924, which is to be based on the versions of Ibn Thabit and Othman. It is postulated that this edition of Cairo without error and deviations corresponds to 100 percent of what Muhammad was informed by God [p.16].

1.2. Contradictions without end in the Quran

[Senselessly incomprehensible order of suras - only the comments are understandable, but very different]
The Quran is difficult to read, up to the grade of unreadable, many suras make no sense for the reader, please convince yourself. The standard answer of Muslims is that this only seems so, because the Quran is untranslatable, only in Arabic it could be meaningfully read.

But now it is so that the Quran cannot be better understood in Arabic either. It is understandable even for Arabs only on the basis of the comments, for non-Arab Muslims not at all.

There are thousands of comments with thousands of sub-commentaries. Some passages are interpreted a dozen times differently. The 10th-century classic commentary by at-Tabari covers 30 volumes, verse by verse. Tabari is one of the recognized commentators. But even he offers different interpretations, and other commentators turn to quite different interpretations.

[Why should the divine message in the Quran be so meaningless and incomprehensible?]
According to God's own statement, the divine message has been sent "plain and clear in Arabic" for the Arabs to Earth. Why the confusion then? Of course, because Allah's words can not always be understood by man, that is the traditional answer. Which did not prevent the Quranic scholars of all time from calling their personal interpretation the only true word of God of ultimate importance.

But there are more odd things.

[Illegal foreign words in the Quran: Syro-Aramaic, Persian, Greek, Hebrew]
The Quran is full of foreign words, such as Syro-Aramaic, Persian, Greek and Hebrew, for example the often-used terms "dshehennam" (in Persian: hell) or "taurah" (Torah, in Hebrew: the law) or "logos." (in Greek: the word, the message).

By definition, however, foreign words are not allowed to occur, and every devout Muslim would indignantly reject such an indication. But, there are undoubtedly the different languages in the Quran which were spoken in the region at that time.

Also Arabic linguists confirm the presence of non-Arabic words in the Quran, but the official doctrine is still that the Quran could not have used foreign words because it was given in pure Arabic at God's disposal. [p.17]

[The "angel Gabriel" is said to have transmitted the Quran to Muhammad in Arabic - partly in accordance with the almost 100% lied Bible]
Abdallah Draz, Quran interpreter on the Al-Azhar University of Cairo, basically excludes any possibility of foreign influence. Not even Muhammad had the opportunity to misunderstand the words given by the angel Gabriel, and there was never any misunderstanding by his own reflection. Because Muhammad himself had no idea of the matter, he was ignorant of reading and writing, he was the pure instrument of God, how could he have contributed his opinion as an ignorant? He might have recognized the falsehood of idolatry, but could never know the truth about the true faith. By mere thinking, he never had known anything about events of the past, but in many parts the Quran is corresponding with the Bible.
[Supplement: Bible  is a lie - Quran is a lie
According to the new archeology, the Old Testament is almost by 100% a LIE, and many new facts which are found out by the new archeology ARE MISSING. The book with the new, Jewish archeology is called: The Bible Unearthed. However, this is painstakingly concealed by the religious leaders of the Jews and Christians. And from the fantasy "Jesus" the new research has NO findings, but one has found a "home straight": His last events are all on one line. The conclusion is that Jerusalem was built according to the "Jesus" fantasy, and the Bible is also by nearly 100% a LIE, and consequently the Quran ALSO A LIE - by nearly 100% a LIE].
[Jesus in the Quran without a cross]
The Quran scholar probably did not trust Muhammad to know the Bible. There are corresponding texts with the Bible, but there are also big differences. Islam, for example, recognizes the existence of Jesus, but not his death on the cross. The crucifixion of Jesus is one of the very few religious episodes ever recorded historically.
[Supplement: No original documents about "Jesus" available
Crucifixions have taken place, but documents about a crucifixion of a Jesus are still missing - that's all from the Christian Patriarchs 200 years AD. invented].
[Sister Maryam = Mother of Jesus - and Jesus in the cradle speaks and holds the "book" in his hand]
Even the chronologic sequence is sometimes out of balance: For example, the Quran relocates Aaron's sister Maryam (meaning Mary) in Sura 19 from the Egyptian-Pharaonic environment of the Old Testament without any problems into the Roman period of Palestine converting her to be the mother of Jesus:
"O sister of Aaron [Note: Aaron is the Old Testament brother of Moses], your father was not a bad man, and your mother was not a prostitute." (sura 19:28)
And she pointed to him. They said, "How shall we talk to him, to a child, in the cradle?" (sura 19:29)
"And he [Jesus in the cradle] said: I am Allah's servant, he gave me the book [3] and made me a prophet ..." (sura 19:30)
[3] Allah should have given Jesus "the book" - so this also contains theological explosive [p.18].
No Muslim would ever have the idea to doubt these Quran texts even if they conflict with so many historical facts or practical impossibilities.

[Contradictions in the Quran: example of wine as a "gift of God" and prohibition of wine]
Furthermore, the reader of the Quran is struck by the illogic and lack of meaning of many verses. Some are obviously not where they belong in the context, and there are many contradictions. At one point, for example, wine is a divine gift (sura 16:67), other suras forbid to be drunk for prayer (sura 4:43), and elsewhere (sura 2: 219) wine for Muslims in general is prohibited. In sura 47:15, believers are again promised wine in Paradise ("streams of water, milk and wine, delicious to drinkers").

So what will count now?

The numerous contradictions are of course well known and are officially described by Quran scholars as "suspended" and "suspending" verses. One verse can thus be lifted by another. According to the doctrine there are up to 500 such contradictory verses.

[Contradictions in the Quran: prayer in the night]
Example 1:
Verse 73 of sura 2: "Rise to prayer all night except a small part ..."

This verse is suspended by verse 20 of the same sura: "The Lord knows that you rise to prayer for nearly two thirds of the night, or half or a third of it ..."

As a consequence, there is the instruction that the night prayer may be strongly limited in time.

[Contradictions in the Quran: Inheritance Law]
Example 2:
Sura 4:7: "Men are left with part of what their parents and loved ones leave behind, and women are a part of what their parents and loved ones leave behind."

The passage is suspended by verse 11 of the same sura: "God tells you about your children: To a male child, [p.19] is twice the share of one female, if only females, over two in number, so they get two thirds of what he leaves, if it is only one, then she gets the half. Parents are each given a sixth of what they leave behind when they have children. Without children ... This is a duty on the part of God. "

This means a modification of inheritance law.

[Contradictions in the Quran: Eternal fight against all "others"]
Example 3:
Sura 2:190: "Fight with God's will those who fight you, but do not exaggerate. God does not love the transgressors [extremists]."
is suspended in sura 2:191: "And kill them [the unbelievers] wherever you meet them ..."
Further suppression in sura 9:5: "When the sacred months have passed, then kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and stalk them on every path ..."
Quran 2:190 speaks only of fighting, 2:191 speaks of killing. Quran 9:5 repeats the killing order, but limits it in time. This means that the unbelievers may be killed, but the war must stop during Ramadan, but again there is a freedom of interpretation by naming months instead of only one month.

Contradictions without end. The believing Muslim, however, has no logical problem with it, because everything is possible for God and is allowed:
Sura 2:106: "Whatsoever we abolish of verses, we bring better or sames for it. Do not you know that Allah has power over all things?"

1.3. The mixture of suras against any chronology and grammar

[The mixture of suras: The more radical suras of Medina, the theological suras of Mecca - and the numbering according to their length]
The common practice is to give preference to the later suras, the so-called Medina suras, because they are the more recent. But who really knows which the later suras were, after there was a numbering simply according to their length? The Medina suras are much more radical and more practical than the Meccan ones, which have more theological content. In many cases the more radical statement is rated as valid, even if a more liberal passage may be elsewhere in Quran [p.20].

[Allah can formulate as he wants]
Considering that this Quran should have a divine and perfect style these manners of handling are rather irritating. But for a believer they are no problem, because this method is covered again by
sura 13:389: "Allah is eliminating what he wants, and he confirms what he wants, because he is the source of the book." [text03]

[Suras with a double meaning - depending on their emphasis]
Often, verses are also semantically ambiguous - their meaning depends on their emphasis. For example, one verse says: "There is no force in religion."

This is read by some so that everyone can choose his own religion. Other interpretations, however, insist that the verse must be read as "there is no compulsion in religion." Thus, Islam would be the only possible religion, but within that certain tolerances are possible.

[Quran scholars repeatedly invoke (swear for) a "plan" of Allah - the order of the suras according to their length]
The Quran scholar Abdallah Draz continues:
"The sentences are expressed in the most dignified way, using the smallest possible number of words to express thoughts of extreme wealth. Quranic speech is clearly superhuman because it breaks the psychological law that intellect and emotion are always in a countering proportion. Considering the structure of a sura and the whole Quran we can find a present plan everywhere which no one could have invented. "

This superhuman plan is that all suras are arranged in descending order of length. The longest suras are at the beginning, the shortest at the end. Thus sura number 2 includes 286 verses, and sura number four 175 verses. Sura 111, on the other hand, has only 5 verses, for example, and sura 112 has only 4 verses [4].
[4] Sura 1, the "opening one," does not count as a real sura, because it speaks to God and cannot be from God, so. But if one sets God's command "Speak!" at the beginning of this sura, a sura can be read as an instruction and yet can be from God. This trick can be found 350 times in the Quran.
[Chronological reconstruction is not taken seriously by the "Islamic clergy"]
Through this arrangement, any temporal and thematic connection is lost, and this leads to an illogic, which is not good for the understanding of the texts. Non-believing Quran researchers have, with some success, reconstructed the temporal sequence and logical assignment and thus made sense in many passages, but received little attention from the Islamic clergy.

[The suras are praised as "divinely perfect" in heaven]
The Muslim main argument of the divinity of the Quran is on a completely different level, namely on an emotional level: The form, so the rhyming prose of the suras and verses, would be so perfect that it could never come from a human pen. For every Muslim, the aesthetics of poetry alone is an irrefutable proof of the divine origin of the Quran. There are countless celebrating hymns about the perfection of verses, every believer will confirm the breathtaking poetry - even if he can not understand anything.

[Critics are killed regularly]
It is now idle to judge the aesthetics of a language that is not a reader's native language. But at all times there were Arab personalities who simply denied the Quran the aesthetic quality of language - and these persons often enough paid with their lives for their meanings.

[Numerous, grammatical mistakes in the Quran should be "divinely perfect"]
Numerous grammatical errors are also known. Ali Dashti [5]
[5] Ali Dashti (1896-1981), Iranian, studied theology and history in Nedschaf. Shiite cleric, later a journalist. He was a well-known opposition politician with several detentions. Imprisoned in 1979 by Khomeini, where he died in 1981.
lists in detail a whole series of grammatical errors and syntactic impossibilities. He writes: "The Quran contains incomplete sentences ... There are foreign language terms, unknown Arabic expressions and words that are used in ways other than ordinary meaning, and it disregards the rules of grammar, whether feminine, masculine, verb or subjective, adjectives or adverbs, plus illogical and grammatically incorrect pronouns that are unrelated in some places." [p.22 - text04]

1.4. Source study is not wanted: Quranic Arabic for the scholars - and the preacher's orders

[Source study is not wanted: Muslims learn to speak the Quran - but do not understand it - "Quran Arabic", Gulf Arabic, High Arabic "Arabiya" etc. - Example Nasser]
Every Muslim should have read the Quran at least once in his life, and most have done so, starting at the age of three to six. This is done so that the teacher reads a verse in Arabic and the student repeats what he had heard. After a while he is able to speak the verses independently. But when there is the question about the meaning of the suras the boy can give no information. He has learnt to recite the Quran but not to understand it. For this he would need an education in Quranic Arabic.

The Quran is not at all written in a commonly used Arabic, because "the" Arabic does not exist.

There is the common language such as Moroccan, Syriac, Egyptian, Yemeni, Gulf Arabic and so on. These Arabic dialects can be extremely different and in turn differ more or less strongly from the "Arabiya", the high Arabic. The "Arabiya" is the official language, it is only imperfectly spoken by the populations. From the former Egyptian President Nasser, a keynote speaker, is known that he often started his speeches in the "Arabiya", but changed key passages to the "Ammiya", to the common language. Those were the moments when he made the people's soul cooking.

[Source study undesirable: Quran Arabic only understand the Quran scholars - the population hardly understands the Quran, or not at all]
The language of the Quran, however, differs again from the "Arabiya" and is not understood by anyone outside of the scholarly circles. Even a Saudi Arabian, thus a person from the country of the Prophet, is overstrained with it. Only a rudimentary understanding can be found with the Egyptian, Iraqis or Moroccans, and nothing at all understand the non-Arab Muslims of this book. What does a Turk, Afghan, Pakistani, Iranian, Maldivian or Indonesian understand from the Arabic content of the Quran? Literally nothing - even if he can recite it.

But the understanding is not expected of him at all, because he will learn about the content by imams and preachers who got this in most cases in turn for their part [from other imams and preachers before]. Hence there are many different traditions and ways of interpretation within this religion, and it explains why Muslim masses are so flammable [p.23].

[Source study is not wanted: example cartoon dispute: no one has seen the cartoons, but all believe to the preachers and set fire to buildings]
The news is circulating that in a European newspaper, the Prophet was severely offended by blasphemous cartoons. He was even portrayed with a pig's snout. Hundreds of thousands, mostly after the Friday sermons, go out onto the street, burn buildings, there are wounded and dead. Not a single one of the demonstrators, not even the preachers who whipped them up, ever saw one of these cartoons to form their own opinion. It is not the general practice to discover religious facts originally, but the right opinion is always ordered.

[Interpretation of Quran: The Cairo dictatorship - and Saudi Arabia Wahhabi missionaries with Saudi "development aid"]
There is no formal supreme theological authority in Islam, but traditionally Al-Azhar University in Cairo has the authority to interpret the Quran. The version of 1924 is the base, claiming to be the only valid Quran for Muslims.

Since some time Saudi Arabia has been the main exporter of Islamic development aid. The royal family is financing an army of beards to all parts of the Islamic world spreading the Saudi understanding of the correct interpretation of the Quran, "Wahhabism." Muslims who turn to Wahhabism usually receive financial benefits. That's why the long beards and totally veiled women, for example, appear in the streets of Male, the capital of the Maldives, which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Wahhabism, this extreme form of once only local importance, has become a mainstream of Islam by the income of petrodollars.

[Summary: 114 suras came from the extraterrestrial Gabriel and are without error or fake - source study is not wanted]
Let's summarize the traditional understanding of the origins of the Quran:

There are 114 suras with up to 286 verses per sura, equivalent to about 600 pages in the Reclam edition, and, according to the traditional doctrine, these 114 suras were transmitted to Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel, and he passed them to his followers word by word without error or fake. However, not as a book, but as an imaginary CD, because the transmission was orally according to the tradition. The followers memorized the suras or wrote them down provisionally, whereby the material was sometimes treated [p.24] just negligently. But even here there were no mistakes and no error. Then several "official" and very profound editions followed over the years. The purportedly pure Arabic language of the Quran contains many foreign words and is unreadable even for Arabs without a commentary. Numerous verses obviously do not belong to the place where they are. The arrangement of the Suras, descending in length from the longest to the shortest, complicates the classification. Nevertheless, there is still the claim that every word in today's canonical Quran, the reference edition of Cairo in 1924, is, without error or mistake, this would be the word of God without mistake or error and thus eternal and immovable.

Let's look at what science says about it in the next chapter [p.25].

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[text01] Abdallah Draz, Quran teacher, Cairo: "Koranische Rede ist klar übermenschlich, wir finden überall einen gegenwärtigen Plan, den kein Mensch hätte erfinden können."

[text02] Quran dogma of origin of Paradise: "Der Koran ist unerschaffen. Muhamad hat den Text von Gott durch die Vermittlung des Erzengels Gabriel erhalten und 1:1 an seine Nachwelt überliefert. Jedes Wort ist korrekt, authentisch und unverrückbar, heilig und ewig gültig. Es gibt nichts auf der Welt, vergangen, gegenwärtig oder künftig, was nicht im Koran enthalten wäre. Der Koran in der Fassung des Kalifen Othman ist der einzig authentische Koran, so wie er dem Propheten Muhamad mitgeteilt wurde. Die Kairoer Fassung von 1924 entspricht vollkommen dem Koran des Othman und ist somit die identische Kopie des im Paradies aufbewahrten Originals."

[text03] Sure 13:389: "Allah löscht aus, was er will, und bestätigt, was er will, denn er ist die Mutter des Buches."

[text04]: Iranian journalist about the not so perfect Quran: "Der Koran enthält unvollständige Sätze ... Es kommen fremdsprachliche Begriffe vor, unbekannte arabische Ausdrücke und Wörter, die in einer anderen als der gewöhnlichen Bedeutung benutzt werden. Er missachtet die Regeln der Grammatik, ganz gleich, ob es sich um Femininum, Maskulinum, Verb oder Subjektiv, Adjektive oder Adverbien handelt. Dazu kommen unlogische und grammatisch falsche Pronomina, die an manchen Stellen keinen Bezug haben." [S.22]

Photo sources
[1] Quran is pure fantasy: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/27795722683022787/
