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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Muhammad, index - Muhammad is a LIE

NO proofs: not a bone, nor a tooth, nor a hair, nor a skull, nor a mask, nor a tomb, nor a temple, nor a writing, nor a signature

  by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019 - translation 2017-2019)

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0. Preface - 1. Quran traditional - 2a. Caliph Othman FAKE+virgins 33y old are grapes - 2b. Consonant writing+interpretations - 3. Sayings (hadiths) -
4. Muhammad fantasy - 5a. More Caliphs FAKE -
5b. The word "muhamad"="the praised one" - 6. Temple Mount with octagon Bycantine church - 7a. Christian "Arabis" - 7b. "Arabis" since 622 -
7c. The word "muhamad" becomes a person -7d. Al-Walid in Damascus -
7e. Califs Umar+Marwan FAKE - 7f. Syrian Arab Fantasy Church times -
7g. Fantasy Muhammad+fantasy mosque - 7h. Syrian Church-resistance ag. Rome Councils - 7i. 200y Fake - 7j. Arab Christianity summary -
8. Islamic golden times FAKE - 9. Tolerance tales in Andalusia invented - 10. "Who did harm us?" Muslim states with oil or poverty - 11. Literature+register  

0. Preface: Islam science has just begun
1.1. Historical elements and fantasy stories -- 1.2. Truth research about Islam - [the oil blocks research about Islam] -- 1.3. The lying Orientalists -- 1.4. Islam researchers in Germany are marginalized in the 20th century - [oil profits blocking Islam research]

1. The Traditional Quran: The Flawless Copy from Heaven [by fantasy Angel Gabriel]
1. The traditional Quran: The flawless copy from heaven -- 1.1. The official version of the Quran's genesis - a fairy tale with bones, leather and leaves -- 1.2. Contradictions without end in the Quran -- 1.3. The mixture of suras against any chronology and grammar -- 1.4. Source study is not wanted: Quranic Arabic for the scholars - and the preacher's orders

2. The book in which is olive oil: Quran and science

2a: Caliph Othman did not exist
Code 33: Fantasy virgins are 33 years old - but the right translation says: grapes
2.1. The Muhammad dogma is more and more accepted in the 20th century -- 2.2. Invented Islam history: Caliph Othman is not verifiable - 2.3. The Qur'anic Arabic: Hybrid between Arabic and Syro-Aramaic - 2.4. The Qur'anic Arabic: Luxenberg's Research and New Translations: The Syro-Aramaic Vocabulary -- The Birth of Jesus Is Legally Corrected -- The Fantasy Virgins Are Said to Have the Fantasy Age of 33 -- The Interpretation of the Erotic Paradise for Men -- Qur'anic Arabic and Luxenberg: The Headscarf of Tabari Becomes a Belt Around the Loins -- Qur'anic Arabic and Endless Interpretations -- Thesis: The First Qur'an Was in Aramaic -- 2.5. The language mishmash at the time of the alleged Muhammad: Koranic Arabic, Aramaic, Greek - the national language was Aramaic

2b: Consonant writing and interpretations - Qeryan and Quran
2.6. The consonant script and the interpretations -- 2.7. The early Quran: versions and copying errors -- 2.8. Arbitrary interpretation in the Koran -- 2.9. The Quran comes from a Bible summary (Qeryan) -- 2.10. The Quran versions: Othman did not exist - Istanbul - Cairo -- 2.11. Forbidden Quran research in Islam - the "unbelievers" are the Quran researchers

3. From the People for the People: Hadith: Proverbs and Deeds of the [fantasy] Prophet

Poetic sayings (hadiths) for life, wars, justice, sharia, etc.
3.1. Poetry sayings and the poets -- 3.2. Muslim poetry: prayer, heaven, hell, dates, women's discrimination, killing Jews, sexuality, "evil eye", tattooing, garlic -- 3.3. The dating and classification of poetry: "they appear authentic" -- 3.4. Poetic sayings in the Muslim media -- 3.5. Poetic sayings as the basis of the brutal sharia -- 3.6. The biography (Sira) of the "Muhammad" with invented poetry (hadith) -- 3.7. The struggle with the invented hadiths from region to region -- 3.8. Invented hadiths in Islamic justice -- 3.9. The "tradition" (Sunna) regulates Muslim life with poetic sayings (hadiths) and prophetic life (sira)

4. A Perfect Man: The Prophet Muhammad according to traditional reports

4.1. The illiterate Muhammad as an "important man" and caravan leader - and a money marriage with 6 children -- 4.2. The "black stone" in Mecca - investigation is prohibited - profits for Mecca -- 4.3. Muhammad in the desert leaves the complete family with 6 children without daddy -- 4.4. Revelations with the alien Archangel Gabriel -- 4.5. The illiterate Muhammad as a preacher - political opponents and persecution in Mecca -- 4.6. The emigration of Muhammad to Medina (Hijra) - the first mosques - the first Umma -- 4.7. Judaism needs no Muhammad - new prayer direction to Mecca - the "black stone" - Ubayy -- 4.8. Emigration to Medina (Hijra) - Torture of Muslims in Mecca - Plunder of Mecca Caravans -- 4.9. Wars and mass murder against Mecca - threat to the Emperor of Byzantium with a letter -- 10.4. Warmonger Muhammad is planning new wars against all neighbors - death of Muhammad - inheritance quarrel without sons (?)

5. During 200 years not present: historic Muhammad cannot be found

5a. Fictional caliphs Muawiya / Maavia and Abd al-Malik
5.1. Muawiya / Maavia was a Christian ruler - Muslims invented that he was a "caliph" - 5.2. Abd al-Malik was a Christian ruler - Muslims invented that he was "caliph" - 5.3. Similarities between Muawiya / Maavia and Abd al-Malik

5b. The word "muhamad" = "the praised one" / "who has to be praised"
5.4. Reign of Abd al-Malik: Who was "the praised" / "the praised one" (the word "muhamad")? The inscription in the Dome of the Rock -- 5.5. The origin of the word "Muhammad" since the 13th century BC. - the word transformation -- 5.6. The longing of the Arab Christians for their own prophet - [[fantasy]] "Muhammad" was invented

6. Excursus: The Church on the Temple Mount - Dome of the Rock = Church - al-Aqsa mosque = mosque
6.1. The construction of a large church "temple cathedral" of parts of ruins -- 6.2. The octagon and the numerology of "perfection" -- 6.3. The Dome of the Rock Church for the "true faith" of the Arab-Christian ruler Abd al-Malik -- 6.4. Islam invents a fantasy Muhammad in Jerusalem - Crusades - Islam time

Opinion 1. The Dome of the Rock on April 26, 2024: is a Nestorian church of the "Unitarian East Syriac Church"
Opinion 2. Mossad Wikipedia on April 27, 2024: The Dome of the Rock is an ancient Byzantine octagon church - and there are more of them
Opinion 3. More Jesus fantasy octagon churches
Opinion 4. The solution for the Temple Mount May 1, 2024: Relocate the old church + build the Jewish temple

7. The Metamorphosis: From Fantasy Jesus to Fantasy Muhammad
The whole chapter in one piece
7. The Metamorphosis: From Fantasy Jesus to Fantasy Muhammad - 7a. Byzantium, Persia and in between the Christian Fantasy "Arabis" - 7b. The "Arabi" identity between Byzantium and Persia - 7c. The reinterpretations of the Syro-Aramaic "Christian" vocabulary by the Muhammad Fantasy Muslim lie tradition - the word "mahdi" ("Redeemer") and "muhamad" ("the blessed one") - 7d. Al-Walid in Damascus - the son of Abd al-Malik in Jerusalem - 7e. Other fictional Fantasy caliphs: Fantasy Umar II and the Fantasy Marwans - 7f. The heyday of the Syrian Arab Fantasy Church - comparisons, the Fantasy Messiah did not come, new honorary titles, Fantasy Harun Rashid invented, Barmakiden - 7g. The inventions: Fantasy Muhammad - Fantasy Mecca - Fantasy Kuraish - first mosque - 7h. The Formation of Fantasy Islam through the Isolation of Arab Fantasy Christianity Through Resistance to the Fantasy Councils of the Rome Fantasy Church - 7i. Fantasy Islam invents 200 years WITHOUT documents and monuments - 7y. Summary on Arab Fantasy Christianity

7a. Byzantium, Persia and in between the Christian "Arabis"
7a.1. The early "Arabia" with religious fights in today's Kurdistan - 7a.2. Deportations of Fantasy Christians to Persia and the term of "Arabi" for the population in Mesopotamia - 7a.3. Byzantium against Persia - Robbery of the Fantasy Cross of Jerusalem in 613 and repatriation of the Fantasy Cross in 630

7b. The "Arabi" identity between Byzantium and Persia since 622
7b.1. The "Arabi" Christians and the Byzantine Doctrine of Herakleios -- 7b.2. Time since 622: The first feeling of an "Arabi" identity between Tigris and Egypt - Maavia vs. Byzantium -- 7b.3. Abd al-Malik against Byzantine with the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem with the inscription "praised [Fantasy] Jesus"

Research: The Christian-Arabic Fantasy vocabulary from the Syro-Aramaic language - The reinterpretations in the Fantasy Muslim lie tradition - Reinterpretations: the word "Mahdi" (Fantasy "savior") - Black Mahdis (Fantasy saviors): Sudan and "USA" - Shiite Fantasy Mahdis (Fantasy saviors) in Iran: Fantasy Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi is expected to come, represented by the Ayatollahs - The three Fantasy Christian mentalities: Rome - Byzantium - and Arab Fantasy Christianity in Jerusalem - The term "Mohammed" according to Muslim lie tradition: Propagation of a Fantasy Mohammed going to the north - in real: The term Mohammed spread from Persian golf to the Mediterranean

7d. Al-Walid in Damascus - the son of Abd al-Malik in Jerusalem
New Fantasy holy district in Damascus with Fantasy Arabic-Christian sayings - "In [Fantasy] religion there is no compulsion" - Muslim lie tradition: invention of the Fantasy Omayads in Mecca - and the Caliph Abd al-Malik in Jerusalem - Research: Jerusalem was at that time a Fantasy Arab-Christian center - Fantasy pilgrimages to Jerusalem - a Fantasy prophet is expected - everyone should learn the Fantasy book

7e. More invented caliphs: Fantasy Umar II and the Fantasy Marwans
7e.1. Invented caliph: Umar II - 8 Omayad caliphs invented - 7e.2. Caliph Marwan: the location was called Marw and then MarwanI and Marwan II are invented

7f.1. Heyday of the Syrian Arab Fantasy Church - 7f.2. Comparisons of Ancient Fantasy Christianity with the Fantasy Quranic Content - 7f.3. Jerusalem: The expected Fantasy Messiah did not come - "the praised one" ("muhamad") did not come - 7f.4. The word "wali-Allah" ("Deputy of [a fantasy] God") - the word "ali" ("Outstanding") - 7f.5. New honorary titles among Arab Fantasy Christians - all "converted" by Fantasy Muslims - 7f.6. Harun al-Rashid also seems to be invented - 7f.7. Barmakids - with Buddhist origin

7g.1. Regent al-Mamun (786-833) in Marw and Baghdad (from 825) - Journey to Egypt and the word "muhamad" - 7g.2. Fantasy Muhammad and Fantasy Ali are "installed" as persons and 200 years of Fantasy Islam caliphate story are invented - 7g.3. Bakka - and also Mecca is invented - 7g.4. The tribe of the Kuraic is invented - the place "Badr" is invented - 7g.5. The first mosque

7h.1. The resistance against Rome, Byzantium and against the dictates of the councils - 7h.2. Gods, goddesses and ancient cults at the "Arabi" - remains in the Quran and on the national flags - 7h.3. Gods, goddesses and ancient cults in Arab Fantasy Christianity

7i. Fantasy Islam invents 200 years WITHOUT documents and monuments
7i.1. The Islamic lie tradition suppresses the entire Arab Fantasy Christianity - 7i.2. The development of the Fantasy Quran from the Christian Fantasy Qeryan of the Arab Fantasy Christians - 7i.3. A Fantasy Muhammad is invented - and 200 years of history are invented - 7i.4. The place al-Hira in Mesopotamia - and a Hira cave in the Mohammed invention

7j. Summary about the Arab Jesus Fantasy Christianity
7j.1. The Arabic Jesus Fantasy Christianity had extensive knowledge of other religions - 7j.2. Islamic lie tradition: From the liturgical book Queryan the Muhammad fantasy "Quran" was made - 7j.3. The split between Moses Fantasy Judaism - Jesus Fantasy Christianity - Muhammad Fantasy Islam - 7y.4. Islamic Lying Tradition: The Muhammad Fairy Tale

8. The INVENTED "golden times" of Muhammad Fantasy Islam - Fantasy glances into a nonexistent past
The whole chapter in one piece
8a. The "Golden Age" is INVENTED - the reality around 600 to 800 in the desert - 8b. The Fake Fantasy "Islamic Expansion" from Spain to China - 8c. Invented sea battles against Jesus Fantasy Byzantium - 8d. From 750: Arab-Christian Abbasids with scientific boom - Arabic-Jesus Fantasy Christian or Arabic-humanist scholars - 8e. Al-Ghazali destroys the science: he prohibits independent philosophy, subordinates everything to the Muhammad Fantasy Quran and defines "heretic" - translator Chaldun - summary

8a. The "Golden Age" is INVENTED - the reality around 600 to 800 in the desert
Reality around 600 to 800 in the desert - Islamic lie tradition: The "golden times" of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam - the time of the invented [[Fake Fantasy]] Muhammad and the invented first four [[Fake Fantasy]] caliphs - Research: The poor life in the Arabian desert - Raids against neighbors without end - Islamic lie tradition: [[Fake Fantasy]] Muhammad is robbing and murdering - Research: The conditions in the desert like in the European Bronze Age

8b. The Fake Fantasy "Islamic expansion" from Spain to China - a BIG LIE
8b. Islamic lie tradition: The "Islamic expansion" with the green flag from Spain to China -- The invented Muhammad Fantasy Muslims are said to be the winners shorthanded against their neighbors in 629-642 - all INVENTED -- The invented victory of fictional 10,000 Muslims against 150,000 Persians in 642 -- The fictional Muhammad Fantasy Muslims are said to have occupied North Africa to Spain - all INVENTED

8c. Invented sea battles against Jesus Fantasy Byzantium - A BIG LIE
8c. Invented sea battles against Jesus Fantasy Byzantium - Another fictional caliph: Umar ibn al-Chattab - Research 650-850: There were battles between the rulers of Jesus Fantasy Byzantium and Persia - Muhammad Fantasy Muslims are nowhere mentioned - Islamic lie tradition: poets between 800 and 922 invent 200 Years of early Muhammad Fantasy Islamic "history" - Islamic lie tradition: Islam should move in "extraterrestrial dimensions" - Research: The Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians have left a rich literature - Islamic lie tradition: Muhammad Fantasy Islam occupying all from Spain to China like an avalanche - in Jesus Fantasy Christian sources NOTHING of this can be found (!!!) - Research: Jesus Fantasy Christian faiths of the "Arabs": Christian-Arabic literature does not mention any Muhammad, any Quran or any Islam - and the tactics of interpretation "Taquiyya" - Research: The big, Muslim armies were IMPOSSIBLE - and the "miracles" in the Muhammad Fantasy Muslim war poetry - Research: The sources of Jesus Fantasy Byzantium and Persia neither mention any Muhammad, nor any Islam, nor any Quran

8d. Since 750: Arab-Jesus Fantasy Christian Abbasids with scientific boom - Arabic-Jesus Fantasy Christian or Arabic-humanist scholars - medicine and translation manipulations
8d. Jesus Fantasy Arabic-Christian or Arabic-humanistic scholars -- The documents of the private tutor al-Kindi -- documents of the private teacher al-Kindi: Earth physics and Indian numbers (Arabic numerals) -- documents of the private teacher al-Kindi: low tide and high tide, stars and trees -- The scholar Hunain ibn Ishak - crucial falsifications in translations -- Translations and forgeries of translator Hunain ibn Ishak: "Gods" become a Fantasy "God", Fantasy "angels", Fantasy "saints" - and new Arab creations -- Thabit ibn Kurra (born 834): Philosopher against the new fashion of a Fantasy God -- Religious diversity is standard -- Ibn Kurra becomes government consultant and astronomer -- Doctor Muhamad ibn Zakarija ar-Razi (born 865 in Rajj / Tehran) - translations - religion is troublemaking -- Ar-Razi with medicine - the great translation "Liber Continens" of 1486 in Brescia -- Ar-Razi with philosophy: atomic matter, Fantasy God, Fantasy world soul, space, time - Fantasy prophets Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are rejected as troublemakers -- Al-Farabi: philosopher in Aleppo - religion is an invention - the ideal state, etc. -- Ibn al-Haitham: dam project on the Nile fails - translations - physics - optics and astronomy with experiments - book burning by Muhammad Fantasy Muslims -- Abu Ali ibn Sina - scientist in Bukhara - persecuted by the Turkic tribe of the Qara Khanides - minister with military treatise - new works written in prison -- Avicenna: death by parsley seeds and opium 1037 - life of a medical doctor -- Al-Biruni of Kath near the Aral Lake - life of an astronomer and philosopher -- Ibn Ruschd - persecuted philosopher in Seville and Córdoba through the introduction of the Mohammed judiciary

8e. Al-Ghazali destroys the science: he prohibits independent philosophy, subordinates everything to the Muhammad Fantasy Quran and defines "heretics" - translator Chaldun - summary
p.172-178; p.156-157
8e. Al-Ghazali destroys the science: He forbids independent philosophy, subordinates everything to the Muhammad Fantasy Quran and defines "heretics" - translator Chaldun - works of Avicenna are edited under Ghazali's name - "Main work" of al-Ghazali: The "defense" of the Muhammad Fantasy Quran word by word - and all other opinions are considered as "deadly heresy" - Al-Ghazali and his defamation of women: legal discrimination by men is called "inferiority" - Al-Ghazali installs radical Muhammad Fantasy Islam

Summary: The Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians were the enlightened researchers - and a Muslim Al-Ghazali installed radical Muhammad Fantasy Islam - today's Muhammad Fantasy Islam claims that Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians were Muhammad Fantasy Muslims - Omar Chayyam - a poet who was also not a Muslim - Khomeini Gorbachev recommended the reading of Al-Farabi and Avicenna (!) - The Arab-Christian scientists and their performance - book burnings under the Vatican-Christian terror (Jesus Fantasy!) and under the Islam terror (Muhammad Fantasy!) - Greek cultural influences survived in Central Asia - The Muhammad Fantasy Islam destroyed Arab-Christian science - Historian Ibn Chaldun 1377: translations and rise of Jesus Fantasy Italy with the Renaissance

9. Thousand and Second Night - the tolerance tales of Andalusia are INVENTED
The chapter in one piece
9a. North Africa between 600 and 900: Byzantine Christianity - Islam is NOT present - 9b. The Muslim occupation of the Iberian Peninsula from 711 onwards according to the Muslim story of lies - no sources available (!!!) - 9c. Non-Muslim sources without Muslims in the 8th century - the real Iberian settlement history - Berber 710 - a succession dispute among the Goths - Byzantine Christianity 600-900 - 9d. Christian Councils in the Iberian Peninsula from the 7th century - Hate against other religious groups 9e. The Muslim Jihad Terror under Al Mansur in Spain 938-1002 - 9f. Fragmentation into Principalities - Jihad Terror - and the Second Fragmentation - 9g. Granada - 9h. The 800 year Muslim fantasy of Muslim rule - Greco-Roman culture in the Iberian Peninsula - 9i. The lies about Muslim philosophy and science - Arabic Christian Science (!) - and a few "traditions" - Libraries destroyed and political persecution (!) - 9j. Occupations and Conversions - 9k. Jewish persecution in the Iberian Peninsula through Fantasy Jihad Islam and Christianity at the same time - 9L. The false tolerance propaganda of UNESCO on Islam in Andalusia - all LISTENED

9a. North Africa between 600 and 900: Byzantine Jesus Fantasy Christianity - Muhammad Fantasy Islam is NOT present
A saying of a Fantasy Jesus in a North African Muhammad Fantasy mosque - Muhammad Fantasy Islam steals the saying and omits the author of Fantasy Jesus - Christian Aramaic inscriptions in North Africa - The Byzantine tax year and Latin coins or star coins in North Africa - Mecca did not exist yet, Tariq is invented - No archaeological traces of Muhammad Fantasy Islamic occupation since 622 - Secondary sources are presented as primary sources

9b. The Muhammad Fantasy Muslim occupation of the Iberian Peninsula since 711 according to the Muslim is a big lie - no sources available (!!!)
9b. The Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula from 711 according to the Muslim lied history writing - no sources available (!!!) - The lying history of a Muhammad Fantasy Muslim occupation of the Iberian Peninsula from 711 - Muslim lying tradition: a rape rumor in 711 - Muhammad Fantasy Muslim lying tradition: prophecies of Muslim occupation - Muslim victory by propaganda for changing the side - in the year 711 - Muhammad Fantasy Muslim lying tradition: A small patch remains unoccupied by Jesus Fantasy Christian resistance and by bad luck with a landslide - Conquista and Reconquista - No sources available for fairytale Muhammad Fantasy Islamic occupation of Spain -- authors Julian and Tariq from the 14th century - author al-Hakam (died in 870) had never been in Spain - fake text under his name from the 17th century - alleged surrender contract of 713 without original - an "explanation" from the 13th century - author Al-Razi - a "re-edition" from around 1400 - Muhammad Fantasy Muslim sources are "just for entertainment" -- Chronology is a minor matter -- Recurring narrative elements in "Muslim historiography" -- Name symbolism in Muslim fake historiography

9c. Non Muslim sources without Muslims in the 8th century - the real Iberic history of settlements - Berbers in 710 - and a succession quarrel with the Goths
Non-Muslim sources do not know about any Muhammad Fantasy Muslim invasion of Spain in the 8th century: No Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Andalusia - no battle of Tours and Poitiers - no Karl Martell -- The settlement history of the Iberian Peninsula - legends and truth: Greece - Romans and people migrations -- Factor North Africa: Arabs and Berbers -- Byzantine Jesus Fantasy Church dominated North Africa - no trace of Muhammad Fantasy Muslims in the 10th century -- Berber 710 - a succession dispute in the Gothic royal house: Sources for the "crossing" of 710: Berbers came - and Muhammad Fantasy Muslims were added to it like a poetry: Arianic and Catholic Jesus Fantasy Christianity among the Goths -- Musa Ibn Nusair, Spanish conqueror from Tripolitania, came from Mesopotamia - Arab Jesus Fantasy Christianity -- Thesis for the Iberian Peninsula 7th century: Berber tribes, Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians and a succession dispute in the Gothic royal house: 7th century Arianic, Athanasian (Catholic), Orthodox and Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians - the Muhammad fantasy did not exist yet -- Southern Spain under Jesus Fantaasy Arab-Christian influence - Rahman from Persia - the "Omayads" are Marwanids from Marw (East Persia) - "Moorish" style is Persian (!) -- The Muhammad Fantasy Mosque of Cordoba without Mecca orientation is a Christian-Arab Jesus Fantasy church

9d. Christian Jesus Fantasy Councils in the Iberian Peninsula from the 7th century - propaganda against other religious groups
Jesus Fantasy Councils and propaganda against religious groups in the Iberian Peninsula: Manichaeans, Nestorians, "outcrops", Casians, etc. -- Iberian Peninsula: The Jesus Fantasy Councils do not mention any Fantasy Muhamad - Muhamad Fantasy exists only since 850 -- The propaganda on Jesus Fantasy councils against Hermit cave dwellers "Arures" ("Haruri") -- "Arures" as a curse word against Kharidjiten -- Jesus Fantasy Christian faiths later convert to Muhammad Fantasy Islam to save themselves from discrimination - crypto Christs and "the green border" -- Mutazilism Mishmash: First Quranic Verses, OT, NT and Rationalism in al-Andalus

9e. The Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Jihad terrorism+book burnings under Al Mansur in Spain 938-1002 - Omayyads 929-1031
Muhammad Fantasy Muslimization and terror under Al-Mansur against other Jesus Fantasy Christians in northern Spain - there should be only 1 book left - book burnings -- After the terror of Muhammad Fantasy Al Mansur: 6 Muhammad Fantasy caliphs in 30 years, riots and upheavals everywhere - state collapse 1031 -- The religious chaos in Spain -- Omayyads: Muhammad Fantasy Islam dominating only in the Caliphate from 929 to 1031 -- Summary: The transition from Jesus Fantasy Christianity with its religious groups to Muhammad Fantasy Islam with its dictatorship since 929 -- The Muhammad Fantasy Caliphate with Fantasy Islam 929-1031

9f. Split into princedoms (taifas) - jihad terrorism - and more splits
The Principalities in the Iberian Peninsula from 1031: Fight without end everyone against everyone -- El Cid -- The northern principalities are getting stronger, the southern ones getting weaker -- Jesus Fantasy princes in southern Spain are engaging Muhammad Fantasy Muslim killer gangs from Africa: al-Mutamid is sterilizing Seville -- Almoravids occupy Andalusia 1090-1094 - the brutal Allah-Mohammed fantasy from North Africa destroys tolerance -- Crusades in the "Holy Land" - and jihad in the Iberian Peninsula -- Crusades in the "Holy Land" - and jihad in the Iberian Peninsula -- Extremists on the Jesus Fantasy Christian side with crusades and "mission" in the Iberian Peninsula - Muhammad Fantasy Muslim occupations in the south of the peninsula - Conquista and Reconquista -- New fragmentation - the revenge for the Jesus Fantasy crusader states: The fantasy of the "Old Islam" of the Almohads in the Iberian Peninsula - 40 years of wars -- Almohad terrorism in the Iberian Peninsula 1147 to 1212

9g. Granada
Yusuf Ibn Nasr in Granada - with an alliance with Ferdinand III. in Cordoba -- Granada's swing policy with Jesus Fantasy Ferdinand and Muhammad Fantasy Islamists in Africa at the same time -- The end of Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Granada and the reasons: swing politics, pirates and Muhammad Fantasy Turkish Ottomans -- Granada remains intact - Constantinople was destroyed - edict on forced conversion in Granada, crypto-Muslims and escape

9h. The Muslim fantasy of 800 years of Muhammad Muslim rule - Greco-Roman and Persian culture in the Iberian Peninsula
The Islam fantasy of 800 years of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula: Muhammad Fantasy Islam did not exist in Andalusia until the 9th century -- Muhammad Fantasy Islam extremism 1090-1248 -- The Muhammad Fantasy Muslim collapse 1248-1491 -- Lies about cultural-Muslim high achievements: The Roman-architecturally influenced Iberian peninsula: Muslim culture of lies: cultural-Muslim high performance in the Iberian peninsula is a lie -- The truth about architecture in Spain: Roman (Greek) and Persian -- The Alhambra in Granada is Arabic-Christian from the 8th century - when Muhammad Fantasy Islam did not even exist

9i. Arab Christian Science (!) - and a few "traditions" - Muhammad Fantasy Muslim work: libraries destroyed and political persecution (!)
Arab Christian Science (!) - and a few "traditions" - libraries destroyed and political persecution (!) -- Nobody could speak Greek in Andalusia -- Jihad Fantasy Islam in Andalusia has destroyed the largest library - the Muhammad Fantasy Quran is supposed to be the only book (!) -- The UNESCO lie claiming that Europe had received rationalism from Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Spain -- The UNESCO lie of Muslim tolerance in Spain (!) - example Pierre Phillippe Rey conceals political persecution of brutal Islam -- The lie about Muslim Tolerance: The political persecution of Ibn Ruschd on the charge that he would destroy Muhammad Fantasy Islam ... -- Political persecution in Muhammad Fantasy Islam: Averroes -- Political persecution in Muhammad Fantasy Islam: Maimonides converts to Islam -- Summary: Brutal political persecution of Maimonides and Ibn Ruschd by the brutal Muhammad Fantasy Islam

9j. Occupations and conversions - terms "tolerance" and "freedom"
Arabic as colloquial language and all crazy fantasy possibilities -- Forced conversion since Muhammad I onward with destruction of Jesus Fantasy churches and tribute, exile or death -- Beautiful lies about jihad in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - example Mrs. professor Menocal -- Andalusia 1066: Muhammad Fantasy Islamic propaganda against Moses Fantasy Jews and mass murder of Moses Fantasy Jews -- The term of "tolerance" exists only since the Renaissance - the Muhammad Fantasy Muslim understanding of "freedom" -- Muhammad Fantasy Islamic jihad extremists occupy and destroy Andalusia - Christians, Muslims and Jews flee to the middle section under Alfons the Wise -- Until the 10th century, the Iberian Peninsula was Arab-Syriac-Christian -- Since the 10th century, Andalusia is reconverted into Stone Age by the jihad extremists -- With the Christian reconquest of 1491 also southern Spain comes into the "modern age" -- The Alhambra is today a symbol of religious tolerance? - Not at all - the mosque of Cordoba could be it -- Special taxes for non-believers

9k. Persecution of Moses Fantasy Jews in the Iberian Peninsula by Muhammad Fantasy Jihad Islam and Jesus Fantasy Christianity at the same time
The deportation of Moses Fantasy Jews after the destruction of Judea after the 170 - Iberian peninsula was called "Sefarad" - Pogrom of 1066 - Pogrom of 1391

9L. Fake tolerance propaganda by UNESCO about criminal Islam in Andalus - all is a LIE

10. "Who did that harm to us?" - Memories of reality
The whole chapter in one piece
10. "Who did and did that?" - Memories of reality - Catastrophic conditions in countries with an Islam fantasy - Reform is only possible in the diaspora - 10a. Islamic States: Oil Profit, Poverty, Illiteracy, Censorship and Poetry in Politics and History - 10b. The Koran dictatorship with judicial arbitrariness without end: Koran, Sharia, Hadith - 10c. Guided sciences in Islam - all with censorship and prohibitions - Turkey has freed itself - 10d. Muslim Stone Age Desert Culture and Muslim Brothers - 10e. The eternal self-pity in fantasy Islam - reform is possible only in the diaspora

Catastrophic conditions in countries with an Islamic fantasy - exceptions Emirates+Qatar - free thinking is only possible in the diaspora

10a. Islamic Muhammad Fantasy states: Oil profit, mental poverty, illiteracy, censorship and poetry in politics and history
Islamic Muhammad Fantasy world is socially weak despite oil profits - mental poverty and no research -- Islamic Muhammad Fantasy world without education - high proportion of illiterates - hardly any printing - scapegoats "USA" and Israel (!) and no self-reflection -- Suez Canal - Israel - Oil - secretly growing poverty in the Muhammad Fantasy states since 1873 -- The memory of the "Golden Years", which come from the Arab-Christian culture -- Jihad Islam destroys the humanism of the Arab-Christian culture -- The Islamic claim that Arab Christian culture was destroyed by the plague, the Mongols or the Jesus Fantasy crusades - Jesus Fantasy Byzantium is being destroyed and the Muslim Muhammad Fantasy religion is founded -- Islam with desert law from Bronze Age destroys any enlightened culture - the camel, narrow cities -- Muhammad Fantasy Islam with censorship against everything - only one book counts: cultural destruction in the Arab world and in India - mental standstill -- Heavy discrimination against other believers - forced conversion or emigration - science and agriculture are destroyed -- The invented year of 622 as the beginning of an Islamic calendar - the lie of the "Year of the Arabs" -- The Ottoman Empire and its collapse by backwardness, unwillingness to travel to Europe -- The Muslim Muhammad Fantasy world denies the sciences from the Ottomans: earth = carpet, trade by positions, propaganda of fake faith -- The new sea routes from 1491 break the Muslim trade monopoly between Europe and Asia - colonial products replace Muslim products - Muhammad Fantasy Islam remains mentally blocked -- The arrogance of Muhammad Fantasy Islam blocks any further education

10b. Quran dictatorship with judicial arbitrariness without end: Muhammad Fantasy Quran, Muhammad Fantasy sharia, Muhammad Fantasy hadith
Muslim Muhammad Fantasy life is desert life of 622 - the total blockage of any development -- The limited use of High Arabic, which is intended only for the Muhammad Fantasy Quran - normal writing only in Turkey and ex-Soviet republics -- No separation of faith and state - the theocracy is a requirement: Muslim Muhammad Fantasy men - slaves - unbelievers - women -- The dictatorship of the Muhammad Fantasy caliph -- Muhammad Fantasy Muslim justice with arbitrariness without end: Muhammad Fantasy Quran, Muhammad Fantasy sharia, Muhammad Fantasy hadiths: The dictatorship of Muhammad Fantasy Quran with Quran right -- Sharia law - legal certainty does not exist in Muslim countries - human rights do not exist -- The invented collection of proverbs - Hadith Justice -- The Desert Society of 622 - "freedom" is religious captivity with personal rights, the opposite of slavery

10c. Guided sciences in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - all with pre-censorship and prohibitions - Turkey has freed itself
Censored sciences in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - all with pre-censorship and prohibitions -- Special case Turkey starting from 1923/1924: separation of powers (secularization), headscarf away, schools for girls, women at universities, Latin writing -- Supplement: Victory against Jesus Fantasy Greek troops made Pasha an "Atatürk" since 1924

10d. Muhammad Fantasy Muslim stone age desert culture and Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Brothers
The scapegoat thinking in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - the guilt of the backwardness is always "given to the (Jesus+Moses Fantasy) West" -- The Muslim Brothers with a total blockage - example Sayyid Qutb's: prohibition of discussion about Muhammad Fantasy Quran - th subject of history is invented -- The precursor al-Maududi in Pakistan -- The connection from Qutb to bin Laden and extremist Muhammad Fantasy Saudi Arabia -- Extremization in Saudi Arabia since 1979 -- Saudis and criminal "USA" since 1990 - Saudi missionary activity all over the world - Salafists go to Afghanistan -- Supplement: Fantasies destroy Afghanistan

10e. The eternal self-pity in Muhammad Fantasy Islam - Emirates+Qatar - reform in the diaspora
Islam? Always scapegoats are wanted -- Multireligious economic island: Emirates with Western structures and religious tolerance -- Multireligious economic island: Qatar -- Emirates and Qatar jumping over their own shadow -- Muhammad Fantasy Muslims in non-Muslim countries - reform is possible there -- Diaspora - the forbidden life in an "country of non-believers" - the commandment to work for Muhammad Fantasy Islam - the non-adaptability -- Islam and Judaism have a similar structure - no separation of church and state - the Reformation is missing -- The host country must insist on the integration of Muhammad Fantasy Muslims - the Muhammad Fantasy Muslim is a ruminant - the urge for knowledge will prevail -- Summary: Muslim Fantasy Islam is a criminal fantasy and psychosis of the 9th century -- The invented dogma of the 9th century counts to this day -- Invented execution regulations (Hadiths) without sources and false obedience -- The reform of Muhammad Fantasy Islam can only be done in the diaspora, where there is no death penalty for discussions

11. Literature and register

-- "muhamad" ("the praised one" / "who has to be praised") referring to a Fantasy Jesus (!) [chapter 5a - p.87]

-- "al-hadi" (the savior, the redeemer),
-- "mardi" (the beloved son),
-- "harun" (the righteous),
-- "mansur" (Victorious),
-- "mahdi" (the savior, the redeemer)
and other titles more;
-- [[Fantasy]] Moses had just such a speaking power so he was assigned an assist as "caliph", this was Aaron, as "herald", an attribute that was now being reused

"sali-Allah", the "representative of [[a fantasy]] God". The "wali-Allah" has the title of "Outstanding" (ali) [p.126].

"Hashim", the "Nobles", [p.126, footnote 55]

"Harun al-raschid", the "righteous herald Aaron" [p.127]

1. The Traditional Quran: The Flawless Copy from Heaven (by Angel Gabriel)

2. The book in which olive oil is: The Koran of the sciences -

3. Of the people for the people: Hadith: Proverbs and deeds of the prophet: Poetic sayings (hadiths) for life, wars, justice, sharia, etc.

4. A Perfect Man: The Prophet Muhamad According to Traditional Reports: The Fantasy "Tradition Story" about Muhammad: Contradictions, Robbery, War and Mass Murder

5a. Fictional Caliphs Muawiya / Maavia and Abd al-Malik - 5b. The word "Mohammed" = "the praised one" / "the praised one" -

6. Excursus: The Church on the Temple Mount: Dome of the Rock = Church - al-Aqsa Mosque = Mosque

7. The Metamorphosis: From Jesus to Muhammad

8. The "golden times" of Islam - transfigured glances into a nonexistent past

9. Thousand and One Nights - The Tolerance Tales from Andalusia are INVENTED

10. "Who did and did that?" - Memories of reality - Catastrophic conditions in countries with an Islam fantasy - Reform is only possible in the diaspora

11. Literature and register
