![]() ![]() ![]() Jewry in Italy index / Judentum in Italien - Index (Moses fantasy - Moses-Fantasie) ![]() Jewith ghetto in Venice since 1516 / Judenghetto in Venedig ab 1516 (Encyclopaedia Judaica vol.9, col. 1127) von / by Michael Palomino (2020)
-- Moses (12 tribes - a dozen)
did not exist: book: The
Bible Unearthed)
Jesus (12 disciples - a dozen) did not exist (and
33 is the highest Freemason's code=number of
vertebra of human spine) - link
Muhammad did not exist either (until the year 800,
Arab Peninsula was Christian with a Fantasy Jesus
- book: Good
bye Mohammed)
Moses+Jesus+Muhammad are an invented trilogy for
world domination applying fantasies and
-- The solution:
Mother Earth is healing (link),
Human Rights are the way of life, and a healthy
Buddha without big belly is the model for yoga
and brain yoga. Prosecution services of the
world are not ready yet...
Michael Palomino, Sep.16, 2020Moses
fantasy Jewry in Italy / Moses-Fantasie-Judentum in
![]() 1. Jews in Italy 01: Roman times - Middle Ages (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) ![]() Laws under the Roman
Emperors - "Christian" Church fathers and "Christian
mission" with heavy anti-Semitism - inquisition and
blood libels - synagogues converted into churches -
flight movements from Central Europe to Italy over the
2. Jews in Italy 02: Zenith times in central and northern Italy 1300-1500 - ghetto life since 1555 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) ![]() Jewish cultural life in
northern Italy - flight from Vatican territory -
persecutions in southern Italy under Spanish rule
since 1492 - racist Vatican rule - ghetto
regulations in Italy since 1555 - expulsions and bans
- Napoleon - Jewish cultural life in the Italian
3. Jews in Italy 03: Equality against racist Vatican 1815-1937 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) ![]() Different rules in Italy
since 1815 - Vatican blocks equality - Vatican ghettos
- equality
4. Jews in Italy 04: Holocaust period 1938-1945 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) ![]() Propaganda against
minorities and Jews since 1922 - Mussolini's Eritrea
adventure and the coal dependency from Nazi Germany
since 1936 - ideology - books since 1937 -
restrictions since 1938 - concentration camps and work
legions - parted Italy since 1943 - underground and
5. Jews in Italy 05: Reconstruction and migrations 1945-1970 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) ![]() Reconstruction and
Jewish migration movements to and from Italy since
1945 - cultural life, assimilation, racist Zionism -
relations with racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl
6. Jews in Italy 06: Jewish music developments in Italy (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) ![]() Liturgy developments -
pronunciation developments - italianization of tunes
and songs - singing in the synagogues - Jewish
composers - rites - song collections
Fotoquellen [2] Synagoge in Verona: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/476959416767178079/ |