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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Jews in Finland

Finland without Jews until 19th century - Cantonists - brutal restrictions against the Jews - full civil rights since 1917 only - WW II with Jews on the Finnish side - 1 deportation of Jewish refugees - post-war times

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col.
                1297, the Helsinki synagogue, built in 1906
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1297, the Helsinki synagogue, built in 1906

from: Finland; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 6

presented by Michael Palomino (2008)

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<FINLAND, (Finnish Suomi), republic in N. Europe.

[Swedish Finland without Jews - Russian Finland without Jews - Cantonists staying in Helsinki and Vyborg - local resistance with brutal restrictions]

Until 1809 it was part of the kingdom of Sweden, where Jews had been prohibited from settling within its borders. When in 1809 Finland became a grand duchy in the Russian Empire, Czar Alexander I declared that he would not change any of the existing Swedish laws, and the prohibition on Jewish (col. 1295)

settlement in Finland therefore continued.

The first Jews to settle in Finland were *Cantonists [[children of Jews who served in Russian military]] who served in the garrisons in Helsinki (in the Sveaborg fort) and in Vyborg for 25 years, and were permitted when discharged to remain in Finland. Every residence permit issued to them, however, was bitterly opposed by the local authorities. On failing to have the permit given by the Russians withdrawn, the Finnish authorities endeavored to undermine the position of the Jews by a series of severe restrictions, limiting their places of residence, curtailing their freedom of movement in the province, and limiting the occupations open to them.

Jews were subject to constant control by the Finnish police, who required them to renew their residence permits every three months. They were permitted to deal in second-hand clothes only and forbidden to leave their city of residence or attend the fairs. The slightest violation of any of these limitations served as a ground for expulsion from Finland. Children were allowed to live with their parents only until coming of age. Jews conscripted to the army and transferred to Russia were were not allowed to return to Finland after their discharge. For relief from these disabilities the Jews could only turn to the military governor in St. Petersburg who was responsible for the Jewish soldiers. (col. 1296)

[Long struggle for equal rights: clergy against, land owners for the Jews - parliament rejects new Jewish rights in 1872 - new trade for Jews end of 1870s - the Finnish press denies all Jewish rights in the 1880s]

The struggle for equal rights for Jews continued for many decades and was taken up in the Finnish and Swedish press and in debated in the Finnish sejm (parliament). Opposition came mainly from the clergy, while many landowners were sympathetic toward the Jewish problem.

In 1872 two members of the sejm, Leo Mechelin and Antti Puhakka, called for the removal of some of these limitations on the Jews as the "people of the Book" but the sejm rejected the proposal. Toward the late 1870s Jews began to deal in new clothes with they produced or imported from factories in St. Petersburg. The debate on Jewish emancipation continued in the press during the 1880s. While the Swedish intelligentsia demanded reforms, the reactionary Finnish press obstinately opposed any change in the statutes of the Jews. The anti-Semites Meurman and Kihlman were opposed by Prof. Runenberg, son of the celebrated Finnish poet, by Bishop Alopacus and by Barons Alfthan and Wrede.
[Law of residence in towns since 1889 - Socialist movement since 1905 for Jewish rights]

A law authorizing Jews to reside in the cities of Helsinki, Turku, and Vyborg was enacted in 1889. At that time there were 1,000 Jews resident in Finland.

At the beginning of the 20th century, mainly after the Russian revolution of 1905, signs of sympathy toward Jews were manifested by the nascent socialist movement in Finland. However in 1908 the restrictions still remained in force. The Danish-Jewish author George *Brandes, who went on a lecture tour in Finland that year, stated ironically in an interview with the Finnish press before he left:

"I have committed three serious sins here. As a Jews, I was permitted to stay in your country for only three days, however I have stayed here for four consecutive days; as a Jews, I was permitted only to trade in rags, however here I lectured on world literature; and as a Jew, it is forbidden for me to marry here, but in spite of all this no one prohibited me from courting in your country..."

[Racist Zionist congress in Helsinki 1906 - Jewish rights in Finnish parliament in 1909 are delayed by the Russian government - full civil rights only since 1917]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6,
                  col. 1297, the interior of the Helsinki synagogue
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1297, the interior of the Helsinki synagogue

In 1906 the third convention of Russian [[racist]] Zionists met in Helsinki and adopted the *Helsingfors Program. In 1909 the liberal elements in the Finnish parliament overcame the opposition of the extreme conservatives and by a majority of 112 to 48 a law was accepted abolishing the restrictions. However, the Russian government delayed its ratification and the Jews did not receive full civil rights until 1917 when Finland became independent.

Between the two world wars the Jewish population increased to 2,000 as a result of immigration from Russia during the early period of the revolution. Many of the Jewish youth studied in universities, and Jews entered the liberal professions as physicians, lawyers, and engineers. Others turned to industry and forestry, but the majority continued in the textile and clothing business. With a few isolated exceptions the Jews did not take part in internal (col. 1297)

party politics or join any political movement. The author and Mizrachi leader Simon *Federbusch officiated as chief rabbi of Finland from 1930 to 1940.

[WW II with Jews on the Finnish side - 1 deportation of Jewish refugees from Austria and the Baltic countries]

During the Finnish-Russian War of 1939-40, Jews fought alongside the Finns. When Viipuri (Vyborg) was annexed to the Soviet Union, the Jews (about 300 persons) evacuated the city along with the Finns. During World War II (1941-44) Finland fought on the German side against the Soviet Union, but, despite strong German pressure, the Finnish authorities, headed by Field Marshal Mannerheim refused to enforce anti-Jewish legislation. 160 Jews who did not possess Finnish nationality found refuge in neutral Sweden. At one stage the Finns yielded and allowed the Gestapo to deport 50 Jews from Finland who had arrived as refugees from Austria and the Baltic countries before the Nazi invasion. However, after dispatch of the first transport of 11 Jews, who were murdered at their destination, Mannerheim and the Finnish authorities refused to continue the operation. The peace treaty between the Allies and Finland prohibited racial discrimination and thereafter Jews again enjoyed full civil rights.

[Post-war times: full civil rights for Jews - Yiddish often spoken in Finland - mixed marriages - emigration wave to Palestine]

The Jewish community in Finland has always been deeply conscious of its Jewish traditions, and Yiddish is widely used by the older generation. In 1968 the Jewish population numbered 1,750 (approximately 1,330 in Helsinki, 350 in Turku, and 50 in Tampere). Jewish kindergartens, elementary and high schools, in existence in Helsinki for some 50 years, were attended by most Jewish children, including those of mixed marriages. The rate of intermarriage was high. Twenty-nine Jewish youths from Finland fought in the Israel War of Independence, and over 100 Finnish Jews settled in the State of [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, mostly in the agricultural sector.

[Y.GA.] (col. 1298)

Relations with [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel

In 1948 formal relations were established between Finland and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, first by reciprocal appointment of honorary consuls. In February 1951, Israel appointed Abraham Nissan, its minister in Sweden, as its nonresident minister in Helsinki. In 1953 a regular Israel legation was established in Helsinki, headed by a chargé d'affaires.

In 1960 with the expansion of political and cultural ties between the two countries, a resident Israel minister was appointed in Finland and a Finnish minister in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. In 1962 both missions were elevated to the ambassadorial level. At that time Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion visited Finland on the invitation of its government, as part of his tour of Scandinavian countries, and was warmly received by the public and government officials.

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6,
                  col. 1299, a group of Finnish girls entering Jerusalem
                  on the last day of the Four-Day March, 1965. Courtesy
                  Government Press Office, Tel Aviv
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1299, a group of Finnish girls entering Jerusalem on the
last day of the Four-Day March, 1965. Courtesy Government Press Office, Tel Aviv

In May 1967 the prime minister of Finland, Raphael Paasio, reciprocated by an official visit to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. In 1968 Foreign Minister Abba Eban visited Helsinki on the invitation of the Finnish foreign minister. (col. 1298)

The Six-Day War (1967) aroused great emotion in all sectors of the Finnish people. There were numerous expressions of support for and identification with [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel as a small nation fighting against great odds, reminiscent of the experience of the Finnish nation. Internationally its neutral status and proximity to the U.S.S.R. force a cautious approach on Finland; its policy with regard to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel has been neutral but sympathetic.

Cultural ties have developed between Finland and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel. Several years ago a movement was established, mainly religiously based, called "Carmel", aimed at brining to Israel annually a group of youngsters for a few month's training in the Hebrew language and acquaintance with Israel life. Tourism from Finland to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel increased, especially from 1968.

In 1954 a League for Finnish-Israel friendship was established, with past Prime Minister K.A. Fagerholm as president. Finland's trade with [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel comprise paper, cellulose, and paper products. In 1955 mutual trade reached $17,000,000. At the beginning the balance was in Israel's favor but in recent years the balance has shifted in favor of Finnish exports. In 1969 Finnish exports to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel totaled $10,914,000 while Israel's exports to Finland totaled $6,652,000.

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6,
                  col. 1296, map with the major centers of Jewish
                  population in Finland, 1970
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1296, map with the major centers of Jewish population in Finland, 1970
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-- S. Federbusch: world Jewry Today (1959), 538-42
-- AJYB, 60 (1961), 223-7
-- A. Sarsowsky: Gli ebrei in Finlandia [[Hebrew people in Finland]] (1911 = Settimana Israelitica [[Jewish Weekly]], 1910)
-- P. Friedman: They Were Their Brothers' Keepers (1957), 143-8
-- J. Wolf, in: Algemeyne Entsiklopedye Yidn [[General Yiddish Encyclopaedy]], 7 (1966), 292-9
-- N. Levin: The Holocaust (1968), 399-401.> (col. 1299)

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol.
                        6, col. 1295-1296
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1295-1296
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol.
                        6, col. 1297-1298
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1297-1298
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol.
                        6, col. 1299
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Finland, vol. 6, col. 1299
