Jewry in Spain
index / Judentum in Spanien Index
by / von Michael Palomino (2020)
-- Moses (12 tribes - a
dozen) did not exist: book: The
Bible Unearthed)
-- Jesus (12 disciples - a
dozen) did not exist (and 33 is the highest
Freemason's code=number of vertebra of human
spine) - link
-- Muhammad did not exist
either (until the year 800, Arab Peninsula
was Christian with a Fantasy Jesus - book: Good
bye Mohammed)
-- Moses+Jesus+Muhammad are
an invented trilogy for world domination
applying fantasies and damnifications
-- The solution:
Mother Earth is healing (link),
Human Rights are the way of life, and a
healthy Buddha without big belly is the
model for yoga and brain yoga. Prosecution
services of the world are not ready yet...
Michael Palomino, Sep.16,
2020Juden in Spanien / Jews in Spain 1. Jews in Spain 01: Legends - Visigoths until 711 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Tolerant and
anti-Jewish laws in the Visigothic kingdom up to
2. Jews in Spain 02: Jews in the Muslim parts of Spain since 711 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Jews coming back from
Africa to Muslim Spain - Umayyads - Berbers -
Abbasids - Almoravids - anti-Jewish Berber Almohads
- Arab kingdom of Granada
3. Jews in Spain 03: Jewish positions in the Christian reconquest (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Jews settling the land
of the Christian kingdoms - tolerance and Jews at
court - the Golden Age
4. Jews in Spain 04: Jewish positions - first restrictions - pogroms 1391 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Vacillating situations
of the Jews - first inquisition since 1267 - Jewish
community life - inner quarrels with kabbalah
(Nahmanides) and philosophy (Maimonides) - Jews at
court - persecutions of 1391
5. Jews in Spain 05: Jewish cultural life since the reconquest (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Diffusion of stiles -
professions and integration - academies - studies
and debates
6. Jews in Spain06: The Conversos 1391-1492 - the expulsion of 1492 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Restrictions and recovery
of Jewish communities - the regulations of Valladolid of
1432 - discrimination of "New" Christians by the statute
of Toledo since 1449 - fall of Granada and expulsion of
7. Jews in Spain 07: 1868-1970 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Protection laws - Jewish
refugees 1940-1945 - Jews and Jewish cultural life in
Spain since 1945
Jews in towns of Spain