von / by Michael Palomino
Revolutionen von 1905 und 1917/1918 - von den kriminellen "USA" bezahlt Historische Schuld der "USA": Die kriminelle Rockefeller-Bande finanzierte die russischen Revolutionen 1905 und 1917 (aus Estulin) Gekaufte Revolutionäre Lenin und
Trotzki - Verstaatlichungen und Kontrolle als Programm -
Mindestlohn bei 12-Stunden-Tag - Manipulant George
Kennan - John D. Rockefeller will auf den russischen
Markt - das Programm des kriminellen John D.
Rockefeller: Die Ölproduktion in Baku durch eine
finanzierte Revolution zerstören und dann übernehmen -
Jacob Schiff und Theodore Roosevelt manipulieren den
Frieden zwischen Japan und Russland 1905 - die
Überfahrten von 1917 und ein "amerikanischer" Pass für
Trotzki - die Wall-Street-Firmen und die Millionen für
die Kommunisten - Morgan, Rockefeller, FED, Standard Oil
- der Gulag ist egal - Widerstand - Uranhandel in den
1940er Jahren - Geschichtszensur - Antony Sutton
in Russland / Jews in Russia
1. Ukraine and Poland-Lithuania (3d century approx.-1772) (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) First
settlements in Crimea and Ukraine - Jewish missionend
converted Jewish Khazar kingdom - Jews in Ukraine and
Poland-Lithuania - anti-Jewish czarist policy: blocked
Moscow and stake in St. Petersburg - Black Sea coast
2. Russian Czarist Antisemitism (1772-1881) - student development (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Czarist
rule in Eastern Europe after the Polish partitions -
discriminations in the Pale of Settlement - different
developments with tradition and enlightenment -
manipulations with schooling and professions -
Cantonists and expulsions from villages - military draft
- cultural developments and emancipation hopes
Jewish student development in racist czarist Russia before 1881 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Jewish education standard higher than Russian education standard - Jews in Russian high schools - numerus clausus - studies abroad - Jewish students with revolutionary tendencies and in the intelligentsia 3. Russian pogrom habit 1881-1914 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Murdered
czar and Russian pogrom habit since 1881 - emigration -
self-defense since 1903 - new Jewish organizations -
census 1897 - radical Jewish movements: Socialists, Bund
and racist Zionism - Jewish cultural developments in
Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian
4. World War I, revolutions of 1917 and civil war massacres (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Allegations,
deportations and mass flight 1915 - socialist revolution
and communist revolution 1917 - Balfour declaration and
racist Zionist power coming up - civil war with
anti-Semitic armies and massacres - Jewish self-defense
Persecution of the Jews in Russia until 1917 1. Pale of Settlement 01: Foundation since the first Polish partition in 1772 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Masses of
Jews in Russia since the partitions of Poland 1772-1815
- creation of the Pale of Settlement - definite
borderlines 1830s-1917 - expulsion of the Jews from the
2. Pale of Settlement 02: The shtetl in the 19th century (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Shtetl
structures in the discrimination situation of the Pale
of Settlement - few Jews reach "upper class" - first
3. Pale of Settlement 03: The constant discrimination of the Jews by the czar in the 19th century (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Jewish
children for the army (Cantonists) - border restriction
of 50 versts - five "classes" law - exemption for
"educated" Jews - discrimination movement against all
minorities in the 1870s
3a Pale of Settlement 03a: Cantonist children for the Russian army (17th century until 1856) (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) How the
criminal "Christian" church and the czars took Jewish
children for military drill to make "Christians" of them
3b Pale of Settlement 03b: Blood libels against Jews in Russia in Modern Times 1799 to after 1948 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Blood
libel allegations of "Christians" against Jews in
czarist Russia - and after 1948
4. Pale of Settlement 04: Religious developments under czarist discrimination in the 19th century (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Hasidism
and Mitnagdim (religious righteous) - Hashkalah and
maskilim Enlightenment movement) as a base for later
5. Pale of Settlement 05: Foundation of help organizations for the Jews under czarist discrimination (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971) Alliance
Israélite Universelle - Anglo-Jewish Association -