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The cross lie news 01: WHAT do crosses and hanged cadavers mean in public?

Fantasy cross with fantasy cadaver on it is the symbol for criminal Church with violence and extortion without end

Criminal Church is celebrating itself
                yet! FANTASY cross between Brislach and Laufen in
Criminal Church is celebrating itself yet! FANTASY cross between Brislach and Laufen in Switzerland [1]

by Michael Palomino (2022)

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WHAT do crosses and hanged cadavers mean in public? Criminal Church with criminality without end

-- it's all a fantasy+fraud+misleading
-- the presentation of a cadaver hung on a cross is a presentation of violence in public with the presentation of murder and lethal violence - and this is therefore criminal GLORIFICATION OF VIOLENCE.


With crosses and hung cadavers, the crimes of the Church are glorified
With this are in connection:
-- Discrimination, cultural destruction of other cultures, espionage, agitation, bullying, defamation, inquisition, extortion, prayer terror, violence without end, physical torture, hunger torture, torture chambers where bones of victims are broken, enforcement of false confessions for survival, cursing, colonialism since 2000 years against other cultures with the claim "only through me", war in the name of the "cross" and in the name of a cadaver, racism in the name of the "cross" and in the name of a cadaver, mass murder in the name of the "cross" and in the name of a cadaver, stake and murder by burning in the name of the "cross" and in the name of a cadaver,

-- child abuse, selling of children for satanic children's rituals with child gang bang by bishops, priests, cardinals and popes

-- rape of children (especially the "servers"!) by bishops, priests, cardinals and pastors in the crypt, in the rectory, in the confessional, etc.

-- pastors, bishops, cardinals etc. are beating and violating children with the cross on the wall taking the cross down using it as a stick, and there are threats in the name of the cadaver on the cross etc.

-- criminal nuns are beating children, are beating children with the cross, are preparing children for rape by bishops, priests and cardinals

-- since the year 1300, this terrorism has it's center in Rome and is spreading from Rome, where in the ruins after big earthquakes the new Vatican was built during 300 years, and for propagating this little town of Rome in 1300 as a center of the world the history of a Roman Empire was INVENTED (the principle inventing a big Empire in the past was copied from the Jewish rabbis where the David Empire is also only a LIE)

-- by setting up a criminal fantasy cross with a fantasy cadaver of a FANTASY Jesus on it, this criminal Church is marking territories illegally

The glorification of a FANTASY god
-- a FANTASY god does NOT exist, but there were always GODS ("eloim") and the FANTASY god was created by a FAKE 1-god-movement of the Jews shouting that it would be more efficient believing only in 1 god for winning the war against Persia (!) - and it seems that then a translator was bribed to translate the Thora in a wrong way replacing "gods" by "God"

The glorification of a FANTASY Jesus
-- The story of a FANTASY JEsus is INVENTION according to archeology
-- From a FANTASY Jesus there is NO hair, NO fingernail, NO bone, NO signature, NO text, NO written word
-- The story of a FANTASY Jesus was created according to Code 33, this is the highest code of criminal Freemasonry, formerly called Orders of the Knights (gay like the Vatican is gay)

The disastrous effect by a hung dead body in public
Anyone who creates religious symbols in public,
-- is disregarding the equality of religions, which was even defined by the Pope in Rome
-- installing a "Christian" cross is misleading the population
-- and with a cadaver on a cross: this is horror of the population
-- in total: this is shock and mental coercion when one has to remember the sight of a hung cadaver on a cross, this is bodily harm (Swiss Penal Code StGB of Switzerland art. 123)

The FANTASY "Christians" are a mentally ill sect that REJECTS archeology and research so that the FANTASY Bible is right
-- The Christian believers waste a lot of time and energy with praying, cursing other cultures and with the belief in a FANTASY god and a FANTASY Jesus
-- Christians are MENTALLY ILL with pilgrimage to Rome to the criminal Vatican sect center, to Israel to a FANTASY tomb and to a FANTASY stable, Christians only spread FANTASIES and celebrate satanic festivals
-- Christians are MENTALLY ILL with prayers ("rosary") for hours on behalf of the criminal Vatican and a FANTASY god and a FANTASY Jesus

-- Christians are loosing hours every day with their FANTASIES and are loosing their heart to their FANTASIES, this indoctrination starts in the cradle and ends only with death when they don't free themselves - and Church is hoping for a heritage of the dead
-- In the Catholic Church, the extortion is also applied against persons who are accepting "other" content, they are excluded and banished
-- In fact in many Catholic regions it's allowed to read only ONE book - the FANTASY Bible - so the Catholics remain stupid and dependent on the criminal lying pastors or "sisters" and they come out worse than people in Stone Age - own research is PROHIBITED, reading of other books or the Internet are defined "sin", the IQ is reaching just for cooking and for walking with the dog etc.
-- with all this, it's proven that the Church is a sect (destructive group of believers) which is misleading people, is leading people to dependency and blackmail
-- Christian believers are suffering from the eternal presence of a FANTASY cross and the hung "holy" FANTASY cadaver on a FANTASY cross: the effects are depression, slavery and mental blockade, the mental health is just a permanent depression, and impotence with 40 is just normal - Christians are living cadavers!
-- In order to "overcome" their depression, the Christians are praying for hours without researching and they are denying any logic so their FANTASIES are right
-- "Christians" commit mental SELF-MUTILATION, and with their impotence they achieve even in physical SELF-MUTILATION.

Christians lose their lives to the criminal Vatican
-- Christians are MENTALLY ILL and are organizing their lives to the fantasies of a criminal sect of Rome, the "Vatican" (1000 senile old men, 80% gays)
-- The Vatican is a criminal association with child abuse, satanist rituals, children's murder, drug trafficking with drugs from South "America", the Vatican bank is storing the drug profits together with UBS AG, collaboration with the Italian mafia that transports the drugs from Latin "America" to Italy, blackmail, bullying, cursing of other cultures, defamation, pogroms, blockade of careers, even death penalty on the stake, etc.
-- The manipulation begins with "songs of God" in the cradle and stops only with the "Christian" fantasy blessing and fantasy songs in the grave, and the Church is only waiting for the territories of the Christians as a heritage, THIS is the strategy in the background, this is the method of this sect.

Life comes with Mother Earth
Trash brains are not going forward - don't allow to be cheated - and never accept any Church cross or cadaver - life comes with Mother Earth for free without tithing.

-- history with archeology: http://www.hist-chron.com/index-ENGL.html
-- sociology and natural medicine with Mother Earth: http://www.med-etc.com/index-ENGL.html  
-- the Gods of the past (astronauts of the past): http://www.am-sur.com/index-ENGL.html

Michael Palomino, text of July 28, 2022 - translation August 1, 2022 - last change Aug.7, 2022

<<     >>

Fantasy cross with fantasy cadaver on it is the symbol for criminal Church with violence and extortion without end -- WHAT do crosses and hanged cadavers mean in public? Criminal Church with criminality without end -- Details -- With crosses and hung cadavers, the crimes of the Church are glorified -- The glorification of a FANTASY god -- The glorification of a FANTASY Jesus -- The effect by a hung dead body in public -- The FANTASY "Christians" are a mentally ill sect that REJECTS archeology and research so that the FANTASY Bible is right -- Christians lose their lives to the criminal Vatican -- Life comes with Mother Earth


Photo sources
[1] Criminal Church is celebrating itself yet! FANTASY cross between Brislach and Laufen in Switzerland: photo by Michael Palomino
